
Basic IT Training 2010

Basic IT Training 2010

In April 2010, Royal Black Queens Micro Credit facility begun distributing the loans to Ghanaian women entrepreneurs, the organization thought it necessary to organize a basic literacy training program for recipients of the loans as a way of mitigating risks on both parties. The mostly business and management training sessions were aimed at increasing these women’s vision and knowledge base as way of building their capacity to manage their credits and general income.

As part of the training package received, there was also a three –month basic IT training program organized for both the old and young women entrepreneurs, many of whom were using a computer for the first time. The curriculum was designed to assist these women, forty in number, gain the necessary skills to access the internet and improve their businesses.

A few of the women also, brought along to these training sessions some of their daughters who they felt would make efficient business assistants.

For a successful program run, the Royal Black Queens would hereby want to thank all participants of the program and especially all stakeholders for their varies contributions. Nana Safrotwe Kakradae iv, the founder of Royal Black Queens expresses his sincere appreciation to Mr Annelies de Groot for coming all the way from the Netherlands, stayed in Ghana for good three months to provide the tuition.

When we asked a few of the basic IT training participants, they had mentioned how the training sessions they received were very beneficial to their personal development; and also pleaded with us to make available, if possible, an internet café where they could put learned skills to use. The town of Nsawam and the nearby villages (with an approximate 40,000 inhabitants) can only boast of one or two internet cafe’s that are normally crowded with secondary school students.

Once again, a big thank you and congratulations to all of you our partners and stakeholders for a successful launch and completion of operations for the RBQ Micro Finance Facility for the period April 2010 to May 2011.